Tuesday, October 26, 2004

One would think...

That I, Richard Manintveld, would have learned something... And if anything that I at least would have learned in the past two years that I should never listen to anyone telling you something!!! But... I didn't...

So... Here we are... We are going to be evicted from our house here in Schiedam on the 5th of November!!! Yes... You are reading this right... Today, on October the 26th we have heard that this will happen!!!


In April of 2004 we moved to Schiedam, and I had to request social security/welfare in that city... Something I had already for quite some time in Vlaardingen...

One would say, because these cities are "connected"... That this would not be such a problem...

Well... Forget about it... Because my welfare was only issued for the first time in August 2004!!!

So... We had debts... Hell... We didn't have no money... So how do you pay anything??? Right??? Or wrong???

One of the debts was a rental debt... With glorious Vitalis... (I would say to check out their site at http://www.vitaliswonen.nl but it's in Dutch) Just one month... For 420 Euro's... But instead of waiting until I could start paying them myself... They immediately took us to court for this money!!!

So, with all added costs it came to about 1400 Euro's!!!

A glorious "social worker" from social security Schiedam "helped" us in making arrangements with for paying this in six consecutive months, starting this month...

So... We were planning to make our first payment, believe it or not, TOMORROW!!!

But... Today we get these papers that state we're gonna be evicted on November 5th!!!

Me, thinking it a mistake, starts calling...

No mistake...

I begged... Pleaded... Prayed for humanity... Understanding...

Nothing!!! Because what is told to me is this and only this: You should have contacted us AFTER the arrangements that were made by named social worker...

HUH??? For what??? I was just getting ready with my wife to live of even less money than the regular 48 Euro's a week (about 70 bucks) and start paying this money saved from our mouths to a housing corp!!!


It's over, guys...


(Dinner time!!!)

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